IDATE Digiworld : Cost of Non-Europe on Artificial Intelligence – Transport
The development, deployment and uptake of AI technologies are among the key (emerging) drivers of economic, social, environmental and geopolitical transformations. What is the added value of taking collective European Union action on AI? This is the key question that this project aims to address. To assess added value in quantitative and qualitative terms, the Cost of Non-Europe on Artificial Intelligence (AI CoNE), should first provide evidence on the scale and the structure of the transformations of the EU economy and society resulting from the uptake of AI technologies. Second, an analysis of the ‘AI fitness’ of the current regulatory framework should be provided. Third, quantification of the cost of Non-Europe should be detailed, and finally adjustments and actions on the EU level that can boost European added value should be identified. The AI CoNE will focus on transport, mobility and logistics.
CRIDS contributes to this study by participating to the analysis of the ‘AI fitness’ of the current regulatory framework.
Researchers : Alexandre DE STREEL, Florian JACQUES