(2021-2025) – For the SPW (Walloon Region)

The CRIDS is participating in a project entitled Smart wireless intelligent tunnel connectivity hub ("SWITCH") launched in 2020 by a group of academic and technical players.
The SWITCH project aims to design and develop an integrated "Smart Tunnel" solution for road tunnel builders and operators.
The physical layer of the tunnel and its infrastructure enables the collection of data, which is then processed and routed to business applications in the application layer. The aim of the project is to process the data collected to enable concrete operational management of the tunnel to meet the objectives of operation, efficiency, safety and maintenance. In pursuing their operational objectives, both builders and operators are subject to regulations.
In addition, the solution involves the processing of personal data relating to tunnel operator employees and potentially to infrastructure users.
The implementation of the solution and the various processing of data must be carried out in compliance with current regulations. As part of the SWITCH project, the CRIDS is responsible for analysing such relevant legislation. .

Researchers : Victoria Ruelle

Website: SWITCH : Faire converger des métiers pour créer des « Smart Tunnels » - Pôle MecaTech (polemecatech.be)