Day #1 | 18 November 2021
08:30 | Registration
09:00 | Welcome words
09:15 | Keynote 1 : AI, Ethics and Law
Speaker: Paul Nemitz (College of Europe)
10:00 | Break
10:15 | Parallel sessions 1
Session 1 A | Governance and Regulation
Chair: Michele Ledger
- Bourguignon, C. (teaching assistant, UNamur CRIDS and attorney-at-law, Paris Bar): Should the functioning of the internal market of the European Union be re-shaped to integrate the environmental impacts of the digital technologies?
- Roland, N. (Attorney-at-Law, Brussels Bar): Big boss is watching you: is technology a good or a bad thing for human employees?
- Mocanu, D. (PhD student, UCLouvain - CPDR): Negotiating the legal status of artificial intelligence based entities in future societies
- De Cooman, J. (PhD student, research and teaching assistant (ULiege) and junior researcher Liege Competition and Innovation Institute (LCII)): From the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence by Society to the Regulation of Society by Artificial Intelligence: All Along the Watchtower
- Queck, R. (Adjunct-professor and head of research unit, UNamur CRIDS): Who regulates the "Information Society"?
Session 1 B | Open Data & Competition
Chair: Elise Defreyne
- Graef, I. (Tilburg University): Abuse of public interests when digital platforms act as private regulators
- Lenaerts, O. (Algemeen Rijksarchief - State Archives and Dienst Digitale Archivering - Digital Archiving): Open data, copyright and (e)-archiving: some context
- Tombal, T. (Post-doc Researcher at Tilburg University, Lecturer at UNamur): Data protection and competition law: friends or foes regarding data sharing?
- Vinje, T. : How about “Abusive Data Collection and Combination under Article 102”?
- De Schamphelaere, F. (Researcher, Algemeen Rijksarchief - State Archives and Legal Advisor, Digitaal Vlaanderen/ Flanders Digital Agency): All's FAIR in Europe? A critical analysis of the exemptions for research data in the Open Data Directive
Session 1 C | AI, Data and privacy
Chair: Elise Degrave
- Everarts de Velp, S. (Researcher, UNamur CRIDS): Big Data dans l’IA et principe de minimisation : Défis et risques
- Léonard, T. (Professor, U Saint-Louis Bxl), Schroder, B. (Microsoft): Intelligence Artificielle-Protection des données à caractère personnel-adéquation de la protection-rencontres entre un juriste et un ingénieur.
- Renzo, A. (PhD candidate, UNamur): Algorithms, Big data and Artificial Intelligence: Genealogy of Power and Transformation of the Public Space
- Trigo Kramcsák, P. (PhD researcher, VUB - LSTS): "Is data subject’s consent an appropriate lawful basis for processing AI training datasets?
- Henrotte, J.-F. (Attorney-at-Law, Liège Bar), Coton, F. (Attorney-at-Law, Liège Bar): Sécurité des données à caractère personnel : est-il temps de siffler la fin de la récréation ?
Session 1 D | AI & Algorithmic literacy
Chair: Esther Haineaux
- Collard, A. (Professor, UNamur CRIDS), Henry, J., Hernalesteen, A., Jacques, J., Frenay, B.(UNamur): Deconstructing Media-fuelled Conceptions on Artificial Intelligence by Playing "Who’s who?"
- Jean-Bouchard, E. (Université de Montréal), Prom Tep, S. (UQAM), Cachecho, M. (UDEM): Pornhub from a Feminist Perspective: Cooperative Responsibility Facilitated by Artificial Intelligence
- Okkonen, J. (Tampere University, Finland): Biased by AI - Algorithms Affecting Children’s Online Behaviour
- Wiard, V. (USL-B), Malcorps, S. (USL-B), Claes, A. (UCLouvain), Dufrasne, M. (USL-B), Philippette, T. (UCLouvain): Young people perceptions of content personalisation on social media, a user study
12:15 | Lunch
13:30 | Keynote 2 | Restoring critical pedagogies in digital media education. The role of research in government and the industry-driven digital literacy environment of South Korea
Speaker: Hyeon-Seon Jeong (Gyeongin National University of Education, South Korea)
14:15 | Parallel sessions 2
Session 2 A | Enforcement and compliance
Chair: Amélie Lachapelle
- Sacré, A. (PhD student, UNamur): ARRCIS : Évaluation et renforcement de la conformité réglementaire d'un système informatique
- Labey, E. (PhD candidate, VUB), Montero Regules, J. (PhD fellow of FWO, U Hasselt CORe): The role of user-generated evidence in criminal investigations versus the removal of terrorist content online: towards a more balanced approach
- Bodó, B. (University of Amsterdam): Mediated trust: a theoretical framework to address the trustworthiness of technological trust mediators
- Vadász, P. and Ződi, Z. (National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary) and Csáki, C. (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) : Who will guard the guards? Traditional and new methods and technologies applied to make intelligence and law enforcement agencies accountable in information search activities
Session 2 B | Identity, Trust and blockchain
Chair: Yves Poullet
- Castellani, L. (Legal officer in the Secretariat of the UNCITRAL): A first look at the UNCITRAL draft model law on identity management and trust services
- Deschamps, L. (SPF Economie), Hardy, M. (SPF Economie): How blockchain could impact the relationship between public authorities and SMEs
- Philippe, D. (Professor, UCLouvain and Attorney-at-Law, Brussels Bar): Blockchain & Smart Contract
- Giannopoulou, A. (University of Amsterdam): Digital identities: between convergence, commodification, and control
- Jacquemin H. (Professor, UNamur CRIDS and Attorney-at-Law, Brussels Bar) : Blockchain and consumer protection: legal challenges of disruptives technologies serving as trust machines
Session 2 C | Applying the GDPR
Chair: Cécile de Terwangne
- Boulanger, M.-H.(Directeur adjoint equality and Union citzienship et chef d’unité en charge de Union citzienship and free movement): Transparency: key feature of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data and essential principle for our democracies
- Cassart, A. (Attorney-at-Law, Liège Bar, Fellow UNamur CRIDS), Rensonnet, A.-V. (Attorney-at-Law, Liège Bar, LLM in Air and Space law - McGill University): High-altitude surveillance and data protection : Space, the final frontier of privacy?
- Renier, G. (UCLouvain - Collaborateur scientifique - Faculté de droit et de criminologie): Les recours collectifs en matière de données personnelles après trois années d’application du RGPD. Focus sur l’expérience belge et française, certaines décisions d’autorités compétentes européennes et l’adoption de la Directive 2020/1828 sur les actions représentatives
- Delforge, A. (PhD Student, UNamur CRIDS): May I pay with my personal data ?
Session 2 D | Empowerment
Chair: Robert Queck
- Bihl, J. (UCLouvain), Fastrez, P. (UCLouvain): Analyzing the mutual effects of teenagers’ media and information literacy and self-regulated learning within “empowering” activities
- De Grove, K. (Researcher, UNamur CRIDS), Collard, A.-S. (Professor, UNamur CRIDS): Does introducing digital media into the classroom develop students' digital and media skills?
- Dutkiewicz, L. (Researcher at CiTiP – KU Leuven), Lalova, T. (doctoral researcher at CiTiP – KU Leuven and the Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy and FWO fellow), Ducuing, Ch. (doctoral researcher at CiTiP – KU Leuven): “Power to the People?" Empowering data subjects through the notion of "data control" in the health research use case
- Michelot, F. (Université de Moncton, camp. de Shippagan, GRIIPTIC) and Béland, S. (Université de Montréal, GRIÉMÉTIC): Self-Efficacy and Critical Thinking of Future Teachers: a Research conducted in Wallonia, France, and Quebec
16:15 | Break
16:30 | Keynote 3: The Good, the Bad and the Responsible - A Policy Western
Speaker: Pierre Larouche (Université de Montréal)
17:15 | End of day #1
17:45 | Gala dinner, >more information.
Day #2 | 19 November 2021
08:30 | Registration
09:00 | Keynote 4: Stories of Property in Digital Lands: Enclosures, Inclusion and Communities
Speaker: Séverine Dusollier (Sciences Po Law School, Paris)
09:45 | Break
10:00 | Parallel sessions 3
Session 3 A | Contracts, liability and IP
Chair: Florence George
- Cruquenaire, A. (Professor,UNamur CRIDS and attorney-at-law, Namur Bar): How to reconcile Agile projects with contract law
- Sauvage, D.-A. (attorney-at-law, Brussels Bar), Derval, T. (Assistant Lecturer, ULB and attorney-at-law, Brussels Bar): Autonomous Vehicles: Assessment of the Existing Civil Liability and Insurance Legal Framework
- Geiregat, S. (Postdoctoral Fellow FWO, Ghent University and MPI Innovation & Competition): Transferring ‘Second-Hand Digital Assets’: Can You Resell Your E-books and Videogames ?
- Thoumsin, P.-Y. (Attorney-at-law specialized in Intellectual property at the Brussels bar, Teaching assistant, ULB and Scientific collaborator, UCLouvain-CRIDES): Numericus is the new sapiens. Re-shaping trade mark law’s “average consumer” in the digital era
Session 3 B | AI, Explainability & Automated Decision Making
Chair: Dominique Lambert
- Frénay , B. (UNamur NADI), Dumas, B. (UNamur NADI): Breaking into the Black Box: How to Build Trust between Machine Learning-based Systems and their User
- Kiseleva, A. (EUTOPIA PhD student, VUB, research groups LSTS - HALL and CY Cergy Paris University, ETIS research lab): AI As a Medical Device : Is It Enough To Ensure Performance Transparency and Accountability? Between the Medical Devices Framework and the General AI Regulation
- Lazcoz, G. (PhD student, University of the Basque Country): Automated decision-making under Amsterdam's District Court judgements : Drivers v. Uber and Ola
- Meeùs, S. (PhD Student, UDEM - ULB): GDPR: A Conceptual Model for Automated Privacy Policy Analysis
- Van Garsse , S. (Professor, Uhasselt and Associate Professor, Antwerp Management School and at the UAntwerp), Evrard, M. (PhD researcher and assistant, UHasselt): Administrative transparency legislation and algorithmic decision-making
Session 3 C | Rethinking the digital Era
Chair: Claire Lobet
- Poullet Y. (Professor, UNamur CRIDS): About some international documents relating to the ethics of artificial intelligence – Some insights
- Gregoire, D. (DPO, administration wallonne et il préside le Groupe de Travail sur la Sécurité de l’Information en RW-FWBruxelles): Digital, imprévisibilité et complexité du monde : un nécessaire changement de paradigme
- Fanni, R. (MA Digital Communication Leadership, VUB; Associate, CEPS; PhD Candidate, GIGA), Pierson, J. (Professor, VUB): Privacy and data protection in the European Union’s “ethical artificial intelligence” concept
- Kafteranis, D. (Assistant Professor in Law, Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity, Coventry University), Lachapelle, A. (UNamur CRIDS): The Directive on Whistleblowers to the test of the Digital Society: between hope and desillusion
Session 3 D | Teaching Literacies
Chair: Anne-Sophie Collard
- Collard, A.-S. (Professor, UNamur CRIDS), Henry, J. (Unamur NADI), Hernalesteen, A. (UNamur CRIDS): How to design critical digital literacy activities using an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach: proposal for formalisation
- Delforge, C. (UNamur CRIDS), Collard, A.-S. (Professor, UNamur CRIDS) : Apprendre à collaborer en classe, quelles compétences et quelles conditions ?
- Wuyckens, G. (PhD student, UCLouvain GReMS): Design fiction as a critical inquiry method for developing media literacy
12:15 | Lunch
13:30 | Parallel sessions 4
Session 4 A | Consumer Protection
Chair: Hervé Jacquemin
- Coton, F. (Attorney-at-Law, Liège Bar), Ruelle, V. (Researcher, UNamur CRIDS and Attorney-at-Law, Liège Bar): The end of third-party cookies: nothing but smoke and mirrors if the RTB winner takes it all?
- Limbrée, P. (Teaching assistant, CRIDS-Unamur and attorney-at-law, Brussels Bar): The lifespan of IT products: analysis of the sustainability/durability of IT products and the phenomenon of programmed obsolescence
- Poillot, E. (Professor, Université du Luxembourg): Combatting Consumer Law Infringements through Artificial Intelligence
- Depincé, M. (Professor, U Montpellier): Le consommateur de données
Session 4 B | Digital Ethics
Chair: Antoinette Rouvroy
- Bontridder, N. (Researcher, UNamur CRIDS): Lethal autonomous weapons and International Humanitarian Law: the required human control over the use of force
- Colot, C., Linden, I. ,Simonofski, A., Ledru, F.-X., Degrave, E., Jacques, F., de Callataÿ, E., Lambert, D. (U Namur): Towards AI for the common good
- Pünkösty, A. (Research associate, Informational Society Research Institute, National University of Public Service (NUPS) and Assiatant Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences): Some aspects of the foundation of a new digital ethics - big data, algorithmic decision making and the person in the data-driven society
Session 4 C | Data and human rights
Chair: Jean Herveg
- Royer, S. (Postdoctoral researcher, KU Leuven), Careel, S. (PhD fellow of FWO, KU Leuven) : The Future of Data Retention in the EU and in Belgium
- Golunova, V. (PhD student, Maastricht University): Intermediary liability and freedom of expression in the algorithmic age: swaying the balance?
- De Raedt, S. (Research manager, U Antwerp DigiTax): Privacy concerns related to the digital tax administration
Session 4 D | Towards a Gendered Digital Education
Chair: Claire Lobet
- Henry, J. (UNamur NADI), Collard, A.-S.(Professor, UNamur CRIDS), Haineaux, E., Grandjean, N., et al. (UNamur CRIDS): Panel : towards a gendered digital education
15:30 | Break
15:45 | Roundtable: Shaping the Next Generation Digital Society
Moderator: Robert Queck
- Dr Antoinette Rouvroy (CRIDS - UNamur)
- Prof. Wolfgang Schultz (HIIG, Universities of Hamburg and Berlin),
- Prof. Peggy Valcke (CiTiP, University of Leuven),
- Prof Alain Strowel (UCLouvain)
- Prof. Ronald Leenes (TILT, University of Tilburg)
17:00 | Final words